29 settembre 2014
La Rete europea per i giornalisti agricoli (ENAJ) e la Commissione europea, Direzione generale dell’Agricoltura e dello sviluppo rurale (DG AGRI) lanciano la seconda edizione del Premio per giovani giornalisti (con meno di 35 anni al 31 dicembre 2013).
L’obiettivo è quello di valorizzare le competenze giornalistiche dei giovani professionisti e motivarli a scrivere su argomenti relativi alla politica agricola comune (PAC) .
L’articolo ammesso deve essere un racconto di massimo 800 parole, sull’agricoltura europea; maggiori informazioni sui criteri di ammissione, sulle categorie e sulle specifiche degli articoli sono specificati nel pdf in allegato.
L’articolo sarà tradotto in inglese dai traduttori della DG Agri e inviati alla giuria.
Il modulo di domanda (allegato) e l’articolo devono essere inviate elettronicamente ad UNAGA entro il 30 settembre 2013 .
I vincitori saranno contattati personalmente e l’annuncio sarà fatto sulla e- piattaforma per i giornalisti europei , www.ag – press.eu e sul sito enaj (enaj.pro) nel novembre 2013.
I primi tre classificati di ogni categoria saranno tutti invitati all’evento stampa annuale della rete di Bruxelles (dicembre 2013) e i primi vincitori saranno inoltre invitati a partecipare a uno dei viaggi stampa organizzate dalla DG AGRI per i giornalisti nel 2014 .
20 June 2013
ENAJ and DG AGRI Journalist Prize for Young Journalists
The European Network for Agricultural Journalists (ENAJ) and the European Commission,
Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) launches today the
second edition of the Journalist Prize for Young Journalists.
The goal is to honour journalistic skills of young professionals and to motivate young
journalists to write about topics related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Who can participate?
To be eligible, the entrant must be a Member of the Guild and no older than 35 years old on
Competition categories & application
The article must be a story of maximum 800 words related to European agriculture: there are
two categories – one for published work and one for unpublished work. Entries should:
• be of broad interest (either in agriculture or in society)
• have been investigated on farms and include at least one quote of a farmer
• be a single (written) story – multiple articles that make up a series are not allowed. (In
such a situation, select one article from the series to enter.)
• be presented as a Word document, without layout or photos (to facilitate translation). If it
has been published, a link or pdf can be added for information.
The application form (attached) and the article must be sent electronically to the national ag
journalist association (see contact list below) by the deadline 20 September 2013.
Selection and the jury
ENAJ representatives will nominate the two best articles they receive (one of each category)
for judging by a jury composed of two ENAJ members/journalists, a DG AGRI staff member,
representing a well-read audience, and the European Commission’s spokesperson for
Agriculture and Rural Development.
Specific importance will be given to the journalistic relevance of the story, correctness and
depth of investigation, content, objectivity, balance, comprehensibility to the reader, style and
quotations. The layout and design of the article will not be considered in the judging since we
ask for a Word document and because the competition is also open to material not yet
The winners will be contacted personally and the announcement will be made on the eplatform
for European journalists, www.ag-press.eu and on the ENAJ website (enaj.pro) in
November 2013.
The top three winners in each category will all be invited to the Annual ag-press Network
Event in Brussels (December 2013) and the first prize winners will also be invited to
participate in one of the press trips organised by DG AGRI for journalists in 2014.
Entries should be submitted to Guild awards secretary Louise Impey
(louise.impey@fwi.co.uk) by September 20, 2013 accompanied by the form on the
next page..
Application form for the ENAJ/DG AGRI journalist competition 2013
First name:
Last name:
Birth date:
Name of article and
link (if published):
Employee (address
of publisher
house) or mention
Per informazioni:
Antonio Brunori
referente relazioni internazionali UNAGA
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